Science-Backed Health Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

Mar 23

A number of studies have been performed to assess the physical and psychological effects of spending time in nature. Research has proven that spending time in natural environments can not only reduce stress, but also increase creativity, improve concentration and working memory, and decrease heart rate and blood pressure levels. Taking time out of a busy day to go for a walk or participate in outdoor activities can lead to numerous health benefits and boost your mood.

Mental and Emotional Health Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

Many people turn to the great outdoors to de-stress and refuel. The reason for this is because spending time in natural environments exposes you to natural sunlight which elevates vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is an important nutrient needed to increase bone strength, support the immune system, and boost serotonin levels.

According to the instructor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Dr. Susanne Preston from South University, research has

shown that levels of depression and anxiety can be reduced by spending time in nature. Before technology was a significant part of our daily lives, children and adults spent more time outside. Now, a large majority of our days are spent in front of TV and computer screens. Increased screen time can lead to potential mental health disorders and increase the risk of depression. 

Taking a break from sitting in front of a screen and connecting with nature will counteract these risks. Humans need time for their brains to take a break in order to refocus. A study performed on college students showed that taking as little as 10 to 15 minutes out of the day to be in nature lessened mental and physical stress. Overall, the mental and emotional health benefits of spending time in nature include:

  • Boost in mood
  • Reduced stress
  • Increase in creative thinking
  • Cognitive and emotional renewal
  • Improved concentration in children with ADHD
  • Promotes socialization

Physical Health Benefits of Connecting With Nature

Spending time in nature encourages physical activity. People are more likely to participate in exercise or mild activities, such as walking, when outdoors. Community residents that have access to more green spaces, such as parks or outdoor gyms, may be more encouraged to improve their physical health.

There are several physical health benefits to spending time in green spaces, such as:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Lower heart rate
  • Lower rates of obesity
  • Reduces risk of type II diabetes and heart disease

Even if time spent outside doesn’t include exercise, it can still reduce heart rate levels and lower blood pressure that is linked to stress. Prolonged high levels of blood pressure can lead to major health complications and increase the risk of heart disease. Spending time in nature can reduce this risk by lowering blood pressure levels.

A study was conducted by Mathew White and others of the European Centre for Environment Health on how nature can benefit human health. 20,000 people self-reported how they felt after spending a certain amount of time in nature over the course of seven days. The results of the study concluded that spending 120 minutes or more in nature within a week improved the health and well-being of the participants compared to those who were not exposed to nature.

Spiritual Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

Spending time in nature can act as a natural healer to the mind, body, and soul. Finding a serene green space to relax and ease thoughts is one of the spiritual benefits of connecting with nature.

A study was conducted on how nature therapy could help produce positive emotions for those who are mentally fatigued. Participants were exposed to three different environments including walking in nature, walking in an urban environment, and reading while listening to music after taking a test designed to mentally exhaust them. The results concluded that participants exposed to the nature walk exhibited more positive feelings compared to participants who were not exposed to nature.

There are various forms of nature therapy such as nature meditation and horticulture therapy. Nature meditation can be done alone or in a group setting and concentrates on admiring different aspects of nature and how one can connect themselves with their environment. Ho

Horticulture meditation is associated with gardening and can potentially reduce stress and encourage socialization.

Outdoor Activities to Boost Your Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Health

There are many outdoor activities that can stimulate the mind and body and improve one’s well-being. It is not necessary to exert a lot of energy through strenuous exercise to reap the benefits of spending time in nature. Several tasks require only mild activity. Participating in outdoor activities can also help give someone a sense of accomplishment after completing an outdoor activity or task.

Some ideas for outdoor activities that could potentially relieve stress and benefit one’s mental, physical, or spiritual well-being include:

  • Nature trail walk
  • Yoga in a green space
  • Go for a jog on a nature trail
  • Hiking
  • Gardening
  • Camping
  • Read a book in a green space
  • Having a picnic in a park

Oftentimes, getting a change in scenery and exploring new green spaces can also help stimulate the brain and improve your mood. Urban environments do not typically boost one’s mood as much as a green space would, so finding a nature trail or park nearby will be more beneficial for residents living in urban areas.


Numerous studies have been conducted on the correlation between spending time in nature and mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each study suggests that taking a break from being indoors to connect with natural environments improves one’s mood, encourages physical activity, and allows humans to refocus and improve cognitive functions.

As technology has become more integrated into our daily lives, significant amounts of screen time can negatively affect our mood and mental health. Participating in an outdoor activity or spending at least two hours out of the week to unwind and connect with nature can reduce stress, improve mental and physical health, and allow us to connect with nature on a more spiritual level. 


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